The GSDA from UCSF brought four people to the #ADEA2016 annual meeting in Denver, CO. There were several goals for the trip; Julia Goldstein, GSDA Pres and D2 student, was co-presenting a session with Dr Gwen Essex focused on social equity. Wendan Li, a D3 student was presenting a poster on student perceptions of and satisfaction with faculty diversity mentored by Dr Essex. This was an opportunity to network with similar student groups focused on LGBTQQAAI issues in hope of coalescing our efforts to support the goals of such diversity alliances, and one another. To that end we recruited Waise, D4, and Dr Micahel Le, Alumn and current D1 clinical faculty, to join our team to ensure we had plenty of effective person-power to spread the word of our intent as quickly and effectively as possible during the short time of the conference.
Waise working on content for the website that was created during the trip.
We all arrived at varied times on Saturday and took some time to strategize how to best cover the mtg and ensure we had people at the sessions we felt would draw people interested in our project.
We also quickly made excellent use of the skills present in our assembled crew by mobilizing to create a gsdaucsf webpage to help us connect with those who may receive a card after the meeting, or received one but were unable to meet us in person. We can see that as we grow and develop the structure of a national organization that the website will be an asset to that cause, and it felt right to go ahead and get something up for all to be able to communicate in one central area. We don't want to lose an ounce of enthusiasm!
Our team had a very busy Sunday attending many different sessions and personally speaking with lots of people from different schools both with, and without student groups with goals similar to GSDA. However, there was a uniform enthusiasm that was simply marvelous to feel whenever we discussed the goals of our effort. 🤗
The four of us managed to burn through most of the 500 cards we used to get the word out to others.
We made a lot of contacts with people from other schools and exchanged information about our desire to organization a national student organization. The response was overwhelmingly positive and it was wonderful to hear about so many other student groups at other institutions working towards the same goals! It's exciting to imagine what will be accomplished when we can easily share resources and best practices!
Sunday wound up with a lovely UCSF dinner hosted by Associate Dean Sheila Brear at the Rockbottom Brewery. There was a great number of UCSF students, faculty, and staff attending, and a great show of support when Julia & Waise stood up to make a pitch for joining us at the informal mixer Monday evening and supporting the growth of our group to a national organization.
Waise and Julia addressing those attending the UCSF ADEA dinner at Rockbottom Brewery.
Monday was a whirlwind beginning with the 7AM GSA Section Business meeting that three of rallied to attend. It was well worth battling the time change as we were able to meet the important people who have working within ADEA for years and receive their words of support, which was wonderful. We were also able to share more of our networking cards for those in the group to share back with people who may be interested at their home institutions, as well as spread the word about our informal get together at 5:30 that evening in the Wxyz lounge at the nearby aloft hotel.
Julia and Gwen preparing to give their presentation. Spelling errors aside, it was a great session filled tremendous energy and engagement.
It was then time for Julia & Docta-G to prepare for their session on microaggression, intersectionality, and validation: social equity in dental education. It was a room filled with terrific energy and a well-attended event; we managed to keep the room engaged through the hour, always a compliment at a large conference with overlapping sessions. The interactive aspects of the program were highly energizing and there was a lively exchange of ideas and impactful sharing.
Session participants working on identity profiles as one of the interactive aspects of the session.
From the educational session it was onto the poster session. There were many UCSF students sharing terrific posters of their work. In particular I have to call attention to the work by Wendan Li, a project I was very proud to support and hope to continue on to an eventual paper representing faculty viewpoints as well.
Wendan Li, D3 & Docta-G with the poster for the study on dental student perceptions of faculty diversity.
After the poster sessions we were off to the informal, no-host GSDA mixer at the Wxyz Lounge at the aloft hotel. Not knowing if we would have any people show up we were prepared to have a drink the three of us, certainly not the worst, but HOORAY, people arrived!! We were overwhelmed and delighted to welcome faculty and students from many schools as we had the first opportunity to have a meeting of the minds.
Some of the people who joined us to show support for a national LGBTQQAAI student organization.
You might say we had our first national meeting to discuss business of the executive board and next steps. However, it's not too late to join us! Get in on the conversation!
Some of the students from Eastern area schools that made it to our informal mixer.